Luigi Franciosini


Architecture and context-making for the learning spaces.

ISBN: 9788832080704 Categories: , Tags: ,


Laura Pujia’s book traces the architectural poetics that distinguish the work of Luigi Franciosini, an architect and full professor of Architecture and Urban Composition at the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University. Part of the ILS series and thus dedicated to innovative learning spaces, this publication presents a selection of recent projects for school buildings. In particular, these are interpreted through the lens of the diverse practice carried out over the years by the architect, including cultural heritage to archaeological site management projects, which allowed him to conduct an in-depth exploration of what constitutes public architecture. According to Pujia, his design constantly weaves a relationship between architecture and context, which resists conventional compositional and typological interpretation of space and tectonics of school architecture. The selected case studies, illustrated by an unprecedented set of hand drawings, inquire into the operational sense of design and the role this can assume for the community, starting from the construction of the landscape. The publication, introduced by the director of the ILS book series Massimo Faiferri, also includes a preface by Francesco Cellini.
This publication is available in Italian only

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