List Group

ListLab was established in 2007 and has elaborated on the idea of an international editorial laboratory with a multidisciplinary approach to architecture, planning, arts, photography, and design. During the last decade, ListLab issued more than 150 books and printed over 60,000 copies, disseminating scientific studies and knowledge in different design fields.
List Group, established in 2021, aims at creating networks and promoting debates and cultural exchange, but also organize events from which new knowledge about architecture, cities, and landscape can develop. Today, List Group is composed of ListLab, the publishing house, Blacklist, the graphic design studio, Instaura, the informational weblog, and Us/Them/Yours, a creative agency that aims at a multimedia approach to information.

Chief Executive Officer
Massimiliano Scaglione

Chief Commercial Officer
Jacopo Marcomeni

Art Director
Marc Sánchez Torà