Lorenzo Imbesi is an Architect, PhD and Full Professor at Sapienza University of Rome, where he is Director of SDR Sapienza Design Research Interdepartmental Centre and Chair of the Design Unit of the PhD Program. Previously, he was an Associate Professor and the Chair of the Master of Design at Carleton University (CA), an ICCS fellow (Government of Canada) for two years in a row, member of the Research Board of National and European researches (AHRB/EPSRC Arts & Humanities Research Council, CEE-COST UCE ACTION C13 European Program). He is a member of the Cumulus Association Executive Board, a member of the Executive Committee of EAD European Academy of Design, a member of the Board of SID Italian Society of Design, and he has been visiting Professor in many international Universities. Also, he is the author of papers in journals and books, while he is co-Editor of Design Principles and Practices Journal and a member of the Editorial Board of The Design Journal and DIID Disegno Industriale.